Let’s give ourselves one (and two and three…😉) break!

Just a sweet reminder to all of us who get tangled in the turmoil of everyday routine forgetting the above law of wise Mother Nature!!! 💛 💙 💜 💚

I do wish everybody  consciously chooses to click on  the total-cease “button” from time to time … 😎

(…before it’s abruptly done by our own wise body ultimately  in the form of illness/accident! 😓)

(Morning) Affirmations ! 🙌 👇

Let’s start tomorrow morning -as well as each morning of our lives😉 – having the above in mind…


Write these affirmations on  paper and read them aloud each morning…

Far better, stick the paper on your mirror, so as to see it every time you  face yourself and (yes, yes, yes!!!! 👍),  state them out loud looking yourself straight in the eyes !!! (sometimes harder than it sounds, dears…🙈 but quite effective..🙌)