Thank YOU!!! 💝💝💝

I so much THANK YOU, my wonderful people!

Thank you for your support, although I’ve not been  not so consistent towards you lately😳…

Thank you for being here, providing me the reason to go on and keep my enthusiasm! 😍

(I have to honestly confess that  I’ve had the tendency to excitedly  start up with sth but end it up soon after… It’s the first endeavor of mine that has lasted so long and it’s because of you 🙏 and I feel really proud of it!!! 🎉)



🙏 😍 🙆

Amidst the negative situation  Mother Gaia and its people are, I choose to keep in mind some positive outcomes only … 😉

I choose to fill my 💚 with  immense gratitude that:

🔼 I’m still alive in a cosy 🏠,

🔼 I have food,  water and

🔼 I have / 💻 to get in touch with my precious friends and family members…

This is my way to stay calm, thus strong

This is my way to uplift my own consciousness

This is my way to send uplifting vibes to the collective unconscious….

(Thanks, also,  UPLIFT CONNECT  page in FB for this awesome video! 😍 )

Child marriages?!?! 😲 NO!!! 😠

It’s estimated that “Child marriage rates in Bangladesh are amongst the highest in the world. Every 2 out of 3 marriages involve child marriages.” 😲 and “… 64 million girls around the world are forced into marriage before the age of 18.”!!!

Do you, also. know that “Child marriages were common in history.” ??? 😲 I didn’t!

They were even encouraged throughout the European region! Thus, “Princess Emilia of Saxony in 1533, at age 16 married George the Pious, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach, then aged 48 years.”!!!


You can READ more and ACT at:

C-h-a-n-g-e !!! ☺


A magical and fearful word at the same time…

To change means to have the intention to do so… it means to dare take the step out of that convenient (because known, even though painful perhaps) comfort zone… it means to be active to take the  new, different than the usual, step

…it means to be fearless and faithful …

…and then  … 🎉!!!

…your whole existence just blossoms 🌺 🌸!!!

Enjoyable fruits of change,  dears!!!

Buddha’s quotes…💬💬💬

♥ “A jug fills drop by drop.”

   “Bean by bean is the way to fill a bag”, a Greek motto says…

  We can’t do it all at once. Especially when we talk of changes in ourselves… It takes a lot of courace along with patience  to get rid of old habits and “download” the new ones.😓 Our psyche cannot be overburdened with new data and  -this is the most important- assimilate it….

   It needs time… It takes time… little by little.… 😉

 Besides, “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet“, as Jean Jacque Rousseau said….

(more patience quotes in: )